Create custom risk profile screening and seamless onboarding with SmartSearch’s enhanced platform

profile screening

SmartSearch, a leading provider of AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) solutions, has recently unveiled its next-generation platform that takes digital compliance to new heights.

Developed using cutting-edge technology and customer feedback, the platform includes several significant upgrades that singles it out in the market as the "gold standard" of AML and KYC solutions; one of the key updates is configurability.

SmartSearch's new bespoke search configurability enables users to screen custom risk profiles based on individual business needs so users can clearly identify where further investigation is needed.

By utilising configurable watchlist screening, the enhanced platform can also streamline AML processes by easily identifying high-risk clients whilst improving the onboarding process for genuine customers.

SmartSearch CEO, Guy Harrison, said, “Our latest platform update offers the most bespoke service yet, setting us apart in the market by offering regulated firms the gold standard in AML and KYC.

"We have enhanced the accuracy and reliability of our platform through the addition of triple bureau, for example, but we have also greatly improved its usability, by enhancing configurability.

“Clients can now take control of their compliance, utilising SmartSearch's bespoke solution to screen clients against custom watchlists fully tailoring the solutions to their business's unique needs.”

Harrison says that the improvements not only make life easier for our clients through improved efficiencies, but they also combine to offer the most reliable and robust solution we have ever produced.

“We now offer an unmatched single-source digital compliance solution that not only ensures our clients meet their AML requirements but also that they are utilising their data and resources in the most efficient way."

To find out how SmartSearch could help your firm create a smoother customer onboarding process and meet all its compliance requirements in one place, visit

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